Guide: New Clubs at ND
Photo by Olivia Tumacder
The club fair is always an exciting event at the beginning of the school year at Notre Dame. It is a great chance to meet new people with whom you might not share classes or are in a different grade. This year, adding a couple of new clubs and interest groups made it even more special.
40.5 percent of women and men in the United States will be diagnosed with cancer sometime in their lifetime, based on research conducted by the National Cancer Institute. We as people are burdened by this disease, most of us either knowing or knowing of someone who has or had cancer. The Cancer Advocacy Club is for those who are interested in getting involved in cancer prevention, while also gaining a community of students with similar goals. According to their mission statement, they hope to raise awareness for cancer as well as provide a space where discussion about the subject is encouraged and welcomed. It is also aligned with the American Cancer Society in High Schools Against Cancer, a nationwide organization composed of students and staff. When you join the Cancer Advocacy Club, you are not only joining a community at Notre Dame but are also connected with people across the nation.
Have you ever heard someone say, “if you start investing now you will be a millionaire by the age of 40,” or something along those lines? This statement often falls short because most people never tell you how to actually start investing. The new Business Club is a great opportunity to learn and understand the many different aspects of how the business world operates around us. The club offers guidance on how to start investing, money management, marketing, careers in business and much more. Guest speakers from various backgrounds in business will also be in attendance of club meetings.. This is a valuable opportunity for students to engage in different perspectives and a chance to practice their conversation and networking skills.
The United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund, or UNICEF, believes in zero. Zero poverty, hunger, inequality, preventable deaths, poor hygiene, and sanitation, as well as children denied from an education. To ensure a prosperous future, taking care of the children of the next generation is one of our most important jobs. UNICEF provides ways to get involved within your local communities and neighborhoods while hosting events and fundraisers. Students who aspire to make a change and speak up for all of the children who may not have a voice would be a good fit for this club.
Clubs and interest groups are a tremendous way to meet new people and forge meaningful connections during the school year. There truly is an interest and community for everyone and students can choose to join at any time.