Interview With Varsity Volleyball Players at Notre Dame 

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Serves, spikes, sets and volleys, the varsity volleyball team at Notre Dame High School is filled with joy and incredible lively spirits. Being on a sports team is a sizable commitment but these four varsity volleyball players are amazing at what they do on and off the court, ready to not only speak about their love for the sport but love their team as well.

Firstly, Avery Provenzado ‘24, one of the captains of the varsity volleyball team, who notes her favorite part of the volleyball experience as her team. Provenzado has been playing volleyball at ND since sophomore year, however her love for the sport dates back to middle school. She also balances the sport with softball and school which she notes has been a lot on her plate. However, she also describes her experience as worth the effort explaining that, “with playing sports my whole life I’ve kind of grown that time management” Avery Provenzado ‘24

Provenzado notes that she has made many friends since joining and her favorite aspect of being a part of the volleyball team at ND is hanging out with people who she doesn’t have any classes with or hadn't known before. “This sport is one that I’ve grown to love and it's brought me to people that I really love and new friends I would have never made” Avery Provenzado ‘24.

Next up is Dylan Crooks ‘25, who has been a member of the varsity volleyball team since freshman year. She's been playing volleyball since she moved to California in the fourth grade and has loved it ever since. Fun fact, she used to be a ballerina!

Her favorite thing about ND volleyball is meeting new people and creating lasting connections with others outside of her grade. She greatly values her time in volleyball.

Even though athletics are important to these players, they also have to balance their sports life with their academics. “We do our homework in between the end of school and practice. We do it between games and practice. We just have to do it” Dylan Crooks ’25. Part of the reason Notre Dame’s athletes thrive in school is thanks to the teachers who are incredibly understanding of the athletes’ commitment: “Our teachers are very lenient and understand that we have games and that we have to leave.” Dylan Crooks ‘25.

Rachel Greene ‘25 is next. She has been playing since freshman year at Notre Dame and decided to join the Notre Dame volleyball team, as she had been playing since 6th grade and wanted to improve her skills and hone her love for the game. Her favorite thing about volleyball at ND is her teammates and even adds that, “Coaches come and go but the team is forever” Rachel Greene ‘25. 

Finally is May Tambuluri ‘25, who has been playing volleyball since freshman year. She  wanted to join the volleyball team as she had been playing volleyball since the 5th grade and joined to stay active. Tambuluri also notes how she has made great friends with the rest of her teammates in addition to building a strong community surrounded by great people. “It helped me gain communication skills and develop fortitude” May Tambuluri ‘25. She notes that volleyball is what drew her to the team, but the community is what made her stay. “Once I played freshman year, I just really liked the community” May Tambuluri ‘25

Volleyball at ND has impacted these student’s social and academic lives for the better. Their character and dedication to their team makes them admirable role models to other students at Notre Dame. We should all follow their examples and one way to do so is to watch them in action!


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