Advice on Creating Planners

At the beginning of the year, people often create goals they want to achieve, but to accomplish them, it is important to properly plan them out. Even if you don’t want to plan very far ahead, just organizing the next day or week can be helpful, especially for high school students. While creating a planner can seem tedious and boring to some, there are many ways to customize them to your liking. 

The traditional route of a paper planner is one that many people prefer. First, you need to find a planner for the new year at a stationery store or bookstore. The next step is to figure out your aesthetic and the color scheme you would like to use. Creating a Pinterest board of other planners can be helpful in this. After you have found enough inspiration, it’s time to decide which markers and pens to use in order to neatly execute your planner. Some of the most common places to find some supplies are Target or Staples. However, another highly recommended place to get markers is Tombow which has its own website. Another part of your planner’s aesthetic should be your organization and writing style. You can plan out your goals by using lists of pros and cons, weekly tables, boxes for appointments or activities, or anything else. Once you’ve decided how you’ll create your planner, you can go ahead and fill it out by breaking down your goals into manageable tasks and deciding how you will use your time wisely. Make sure to update your planner often to create a habit for the rest of the year. 

If creating a planner on paper does not suit you then you can  create one online as well. There are many apps or platforms to create a planner on. One easy and common platform to use is Google Calendar. An app that can be helpful as well is Chipper. Next, you can plan the format of your pages to be weekly boxes or monthly boxes. Many platforms will have the option to even change the shape of these boxes to stars or hearts. For easier navigation and to make it more accessible, create a hyperlink or bookmark your planner on your browser. 

With these tips make sure to plan for the next year as best as you can. Planning has helped so many people organize their ideas and thoughts. Good luck planning and have fun. 


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