What Did ND Do This Summer

PC: Josephine Crawford -26

This summer, ND students embarked on a variety of exciting adventures and a wide range of activities that showcase our school’s diverse talents, passions, and interests. From travel and cultural immersion to meaningful community service projects, ND really made the most of their well-deserved summer break.

A majority of the students spent most of their time with family and/or traveling. Students went to a variety of places all across the world. Kimberely Topete ‘24 visited Yosemite National Park over the summer saying, “ It was such an unreal experience, and for someone like me that likes the outdoors - it was wild to witness some of the great beauties of nature up close.” Like Topete ‘24, Safana Bayati from the Class of ‘27 enjoyed time outdoors, telling us about a camping trip up in Canada with cousins and family friends. Outside of the outdoors, many students visited places across the country, Marlene Cohen-Basuino ‘27 visited Mexico and Oregon over the summer while Aubrey Gaudinez ‘27 went from coast to coast visiting Washington D.C. and Virginia. 

After a few years, ND travelers were finally able to attend the study abroad programs over the summer. This included a trip to the Galapagos Islands and Ecuador with math teacher Anthony Lechler and a trip to Italy and Greece with teacher Hillary Orr and Mr. Braco. 

Alongside traveling, students took advantage of multiple educational opportunities. A handful of students learned in summer dual enrollment courses at a community college, including topics like Environmental Science, and Psychology. Many ND students also took advantage of the summer by being part of a variety of internships. Several students went out of their way to work with the community, including summer camps and volunteering opportunities. 

As the summer closed off, it's evident that ND students have truly made the most of their time away from the classroom. Their endeavors have not only enriched their individual lives but also contributed positively to our broader community. Whether it was learning new things, traveling across the world, forging lasting friendships, or development of a deeper sense of self, we look forward to hearing more about ND’s summer adventures and watching them carry the lessons and memories from these experiences into the academic year. 

therese chu

Hi! I'm therese (reese) Chu, I am currently a senior at Notre Dame, and this is my second year of Journalism. I will be serving as the Layout Editor and Publicity Director for the Crown & Shield this year. I am passionate about bringing important issues, education, and history to light. I do some writing/graphics on the side (@reeseradicalizes) to share all the things we aren't able to fit into the newspaper. I am a big boba fan (as of right now, I have a count of 119 drinks this year) and share my love for food and boba on my account @reesechews. Besides that, I operate as a publicist for multiple groups inside and outside of school, as well as a founding member and the current lead for our AAPI Coalition. I look forward to writing articles, connecting with people, and making our newspaper beautiful!


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