New Career and Life Success Speaker Series

Something that really sets Notre Dame apart from other schools is our Career and Life Success program, which allows students to learn about nearby opportunities that they can take advantage of such as internships or jobs. Raven Gilberts, who is the Career and Life Success mentor, has been working on a new program, which will bring female business experts to our campus to teach students about their career and personal journeys. Students who are interested in business or entrepreneurship are encouraged to come to these talks as not only do they get to hear about the stories of local female leaders, they will be able to ask them questions about their experiences. The last speaker who came to campus was Renee Ryan, a former investment banker and CEO of Cala Health, a medical hardware company that specializes in non-invasive tremor therapy. They have recently made major strides with their products and those who came to the talk were able to hear not only about the company and Ryan, but steps they can take towards their own success. If you are interested in this speaker series but missed the last event, this is not a problem as Career and Life Success will be hosting one speaker per month. The next speakers will be a panel in January which will feature accomplished women and is encouraged for students interested in accounting or learning about personal finances. All of these events feature Q&A sessions if students have questions for the invited speakers. This program teaches students important life lessons even for students who do not have an interest in business because many of these speakers teach valuable life skills and give advice to students that they can carry throughout their lives. Ms. Gilberts is sending out monthly emails so for anyone looking to learn more about a variety of fields or potential career paths, make sure to look out for her emails and RSVP! 


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