The Freshman Transition

The transition from middle school to high school is a significant step in anybody’s childhood. For freshmen, it signifies a new start full of exciting opportunities and endeavors. This important transition can be both exciting and nerve-wracking for many new students, but we are sure that freshmen can continue on this journey with confidence and enthusiasm. Here is what some freshmen had to say about it: 

“Starting my freshman year feels surreal. After going to the same school for ten years it feels great to finally try something new. I was so scared to start high school and be in a completely different and strange environment, but it’s the complete opposite! I have amazing teachers, I’m starting to make new friends, and it feels so good to want to get up and go to school in the morning. Overall I absolutely love it here and can’t wait to spend the next  four years at Notre Dame!” Another student added, “I have so many things that I’m looking forward to this school year. I'm so excited to go on downtown trips, get snacks at the vending machine, get to attend mixers and dances,  explore the shops near Notre Dame, make a lot of friends and join new clubs!” 

With ND being a school that focuses mainly on diversity and their education, it’s not a surprise to hear students like these mention, “It feels exciting, like a fresh start at a new school where you can be yourself” and “I am most excited to get more into my English I Honors class.”

Starting at a new school comes with its worries, especially with a large school population as described by a new freshman this year saying,“It feels scary because it's a lot of change, but it's exciting at the same time to start fresh and meet new people and have new experiences,” Of course there's the traditional yearly freshman party that every newcomer looks forward to, just like this student when they said,“I am most excited for our mascot party and making new connections with people.”

Freshman year is a new start to a wonderful adventure, and it is great to see how freshmen are reacting to their first year in highschool! We hope they have a successful high school experience, and are ready for the challenges and fun that highschool can bring.

Aditi Appalakutty

Hi there, I'm Aditi Appalakutty, and this is my third year in journalism. I am a print editor this year, and am so excited to grow into this role. I like to read trashy romance novels and watch deep, riveting movies. I like to sketch and draw from references; I especially like colored pencils. I love to hang out with my friends, but I also love being alone and enjoying my own company. I hope to do great things this year in journalism.


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