Latinas Unidas and ND Compadres to Host Las Posadas

Las Posadas Ornament

Photo by Pixabay

As the holiday season flies in, so do the joyful spirits of the Notre Dame community. You may know the buzz with the Latinas Unidas and their partnership with the ND Compadres, who invite everyone to come to Las Posadas during this winter season. This event takes place on Dec. 18 in Julie Billiart Hall. Some background information about this event is that it is a customary celebration and is the trademark for the cultural heritage of the Hispanic community during the holidays. It is filled with Folklorico, a performance that displays cultural identity as the main highlight of this unforgettable and participatory event. The setting of this unique rendition has its spiritual roots in Mary and Joseph’s journey to Bethlehem, where they seek refuge in a shelter to prepare for the birth of Jesus. 

While they have planned for this celebration centered on Mary and Joseph’s story, the Latinas Unidas also have dedicated their activities to commemorate and give more recognition for Las Posada's impact to perform and leave a memorable show for the rest of the Notre Dame community to anticipate. Luna Delgado ‘25 from the Latinas Unidas, says, “The community may not fully recognize it.” She wishes to share this story as a reflection and the opportunity to discover how it relates and speaks with the rest of her and the rest of the members. Mary has been a symbol of faith and inspiration for young girls and has been known as Our Lady of Guadalupe in the Hispanic community. 

The Latina Unidas hopes to encapsulate the essence of family and community, offer an emotional narrative that can glimpse into this visual performance, and include a potluck of festive treats. Various lively and fun activities filled with music will be held during the event, which will be held in Julie Billiart Hall. They have dedicated this celebration to honoring their culture and heritage. 

The main messages that the Latina Unidas wants to convey are the meaning of family and the community, a connection to the long past, and gathering together intertwined with a bilingual place that brings out the diversity and inclusivity sought to offer. As the festivities begin, we can look forward to the comfortable and cheery moods of Latinas Unidas and the ND Compadres have to provide for this enchanting experience.

Colleen Tran '26

Colleen Tran is a junior in her first year with ND Journalism, and is the section editor. She occasionally enjoys watching movies and TV shows that motivate her to draw out inspiration about what she wants to write. She likes singing and listening to music that captures her attention ever since she was young. What drives her passion to write articles this year is due to her excitement in writing about different kind of topics, and also appreciating taking lots of photos.


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