Class of 2022 First Semester Reflections

As the first semester is finally wrapped up, and with college applications mostly submitted, seniors at Notre Dame share feelings of excitement, relief, and even a bit of sadness as their last year of high school almost comes to an end.

One student describes the end of the first semester as a “bittersweet moment,” the end of the first semester marking its significance as it brings a sense of relief and ease for many. As seniors think about their final semester of high school, many are worried about leaving for college next year. One student says they are “sad about leaving friends, family, and this sense of familiarity and community behind.” 

Throughout their four years at ND, seniors have formed valuable friendships, connections, and communities that are undoubtedly difficult to leave behind. However, because the tedious college process is over, many seniors share the alleviated pressure of schoolwork and applications, allowing them to spend more time with friends and family. “I am looking forward to having more time to spend with my friends as well as feel less pressure about school,” one student says as there has certainly been unavoidable stress around maintaining grades for colleges.

As some seniors reflect back on their first semester, they acknowledge the moments and events that they appreciate the most. Homecoming and the first day of school were commonly noted to be some memorable moments this past semester. Even the smallest moments such as seeing friends at school have made this last first semester special for seniors, especially since this past year was completely virtual. Online classes obviously presented an obstacle to physically interacting and learning with other students, so now that Notre Dame is back to learning at school, seniors recognize the importance of cherishing time spent on campus.

 The Class of 2022 has plenty to look forward to during the second semester, as well. ND traditions such as Spirit Week and the Prom excite many as they are events that call for celebratory spirits and fun. Seeing as this Spirit Week will be the class’s last, it will surely have a memorable impact on our ND seniors.

Seniors are hopeful to make this last year of high school special – and to truly appreciate this final semester before taking off to college to pursue their exciting aspirations and passions.


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