Notre Dame’s Newest Celebrity

Right when the bell rings, students push through doors and squeeze through the hallways, hoping to make it to their next class on time. In the midst of this chaos, while students and staff are scurrying around, there is also a new addition to the Notre Dame family: Ben Ben.  ND’s adopted cat, originally found by the maintenance crew, quickly grew in population throughout campus. His delicate steps accompany the anxious students, holding his head up high in a crowd of low spirits. Ben Ben is a small black cat, the size of a subway sandwich. He loves his community, just as he is loved by countless others. His sharp green eyes and prideful demeanor makes it difficult for one to not adore him. 

Ben Ben wanders around campus alongside the students, looking for food and embarking on new adventures. He enjoys the company of his friends and is showered with attention and affection wherever he goes. When his day comes to an end, he returns home near the end of the SLC building. where he is nourished with food, water and love. Located next to his shed lies his home, a small sturdy wooden house built by the maintenance people. 

Over the course of this school year, Ben Ben has come out of quarantine and met others. He emerges from his house to greet students and staff, discovering excitement everywhere. He appears more and more often each day, running through buildings only to get escorted out again. When away from his home, Ben Ben is often found in Sunflower Plaza, cherishing every moment spent napping under the sun. He is occasionally spotted strolling by Manley, playing in the gym, and sunbathing on the roof. As the bell dismisses each class, students rush over, forming a mob around him, making him the true celebrity of this school. 

Despite his popularity, he is denied the privilege of entering the buildings. Ben Ben’s ambitious personality allows him to jump into any opportunity. Whenever he enters through the door or window, Ben Ben eventually ends up in the arms of a human, carried outside since he is not permitted in buildings. Despite our love for Ben Ben, it is still vital to give him some space, allowing him the same comfort that he offers us. This additional member of our community blesses us with his presence, uplifting the spirits and always there rooting for everyone.


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