How to Create New Healthy Habits
Many of us feel that our lives are cyclical: like we are living the same day over and over again. Many are tired of this recurring cycle; as a result, people want a change in their routine, in order to spice things up. Taking on a bunch of new habits can be difficult because the chances of sticking to that habit are slim. So, in order to change up your routine, or even pick up a new healthy habit, here are some tips and tricks that I have:
Identify: The first thing to do in order to pick up a new healthy habit is to identify what it is that you want to change. This may take some time --definitely does not happen overnight.
Write it down: I know that writing things down, whether that is in a journal or on your phone, might not be for everyone. But, it is good to have somewhere you can look back to when trying to stay committed to a healthy habit. Try journaling out the steps you will take in order to create this healthy habit; being as specific as you can will help you have a clearer plan and strategies as to how you will attain your goal. And, most importantly, be realistic!
Start off small: Starting off small really does make the whole process of creating healthy habits a lot easier. Incorporating your habit into your daily routine by doing a little at a time and progressively building up over time will make it feel like you aren’t doing TOO much.
Make it fun: In the process of creating habits for yourself, making it fun is crucial in order to make it more enjoyable. For instance, if you are trying to workout more, try to find an activity that you truly enjoy. For instance, play some music that will get you into a good mood. The simplest things can truly help you make it more enjoyable for yourself.
Stay consistent: Staying consistent is key! Without staying committed to the habit that you want to maintain, you will not be able to create meaningful change. Even though we want results overnight, do remember that things take time, so don’t be hard on yourself.
Please keep in mind that these are just some small tips to help create new habits for yourself, and are not going to work for everyone. Every person is different and certain things will work for you while others won’t, and that is totally okay! However, these tips have definitely helped me stay consistent in things I want to incorporate into my lifestyle and this might encourage others to give something new a try. Finally, remember creating habits for yourself should be a fun thing to do and be sure to listen to your body and do not be hard on yourself!