Ashley’s Bakeshop

Are you frequently craving a sweet treat or need a new local bakery to support? Then I highly recommend checking out Ashley Bake Shop, run by our very own Notre Dame student, Ashley. I was lucky enough to interview her about her small business and get insight into the motivations behind it as well as her personal experience with baking.

Ashley became interested in baking and cooking when she was at the young age of 4, mainly due to her mothers side of the family. She would often make different dishes and treats with her grandmother when her mother was away at work and began developing a deep passion for making these things. As she grew older, she decided that this was a passion she wanted to pursue and share with the world.

The idea of her bake shop started during covid, and this is when she began developing the idea and planning to open it up. This was a perfect idea due to her business being at her house as well as her access to having a home kitchen.

Ashely’s business is all delivery oriented and you can check out her bakery for yourself at ‘Ashley Bake Shop.’ Not only does she cater her treats, but her business is tied in heavily with philanthropy, donating her earnings to a childhood cancer charity and many other fundraisers. Each month, a percentage of her proceeds go towards these causes and have made a great impact. Ashleys business has been running for over a year and is something definitely worth checking out. You can order through her business on instagram at @ashley_bakeshop, and give her your support!


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