What Will Spirit Week Look Like?

Spirit Week is by far one of the most exciting weeks at Notre Dame. Since Spirit Week has been online for the past year, ND is excited to be together as a whole.  In order to prepare for this exciting week, ND holds build days, on March 11 and 12, for classes to build their gym decks. This two-day period allows for classmates to work together to not only craft up their decks but also to create fun memories as they collaborate with one another. 

This eventful week, from March 14 through 18, is going to be full of dress-up days, songs, games, and class competitions. This year’s dress-up days consist of: Monday Pun Day, First Initial Day (Tuesday), Heroes vs. Villains Day (Wednesday), 8-Year-Old Self Day (Thursday), and Rep ‘Yo Deck Day (Friday). 

Due to COVID, however, this year’s Spirit Week has slightly been altered to meet safety guidelines. Members of ASB, across all four grades, have been working diligently in order to plan this year’s Spirit Week. Kaili Mikami ‘22, who is a part of the ASB, mentions, “In our big ASB meeting we talked about how this Spirit Week is a great opportunity for us to rewrite tradition!” Some changes to the normal plan consist of “having rallies outside in Pardini Park while gym decks are inside the gym”. To add on, ND is taking a more environmentally friendly approach to this year’s gym decks. Mikami ‘22 mentions how “There is a new requirement that all cardboard should be donated by each respective class, and purchased cardboard will be a deduction of gym deck points.” ND’s new approach will allow the school community to think of creative ways to reuse items and limit our waste because “School Council recognized the excess waste that we were always creating.” Furthermore, ND will still continue its tradition of having a variety of activities but will not be having its usual class skits. As a collective, ASB decided that class skits would be too difficult to coordinate outside this year. So, removing class skits from our Spirit Week rallies will allow more time for other fun activities!

Overall, ND is so excited to be hosting the first Spirit Week after the adjustments due to the pandemic. Each class is going to be able to perform their songs and dances for everyone else to see. And most importantly, the classes will work together in order to bring on the most class spirit, energy, and creativity to win first place!


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