Why Starting A Collection Is A Good Idea.
The types of collections that exist are endless. People start collections of numerous things, and receive great enjoyment out of the experience. However, to anyone who has not started a collection, the idea can be unappealing. The costs and space many collections take up often makes people feel like an outsider by their sheer size. Despite this, I still recommend people to take up a collection.
One of the hardest parts of a collection is deciding to start it. Many people may ask, “Where do I begin?” But this question is something only the asker can answer as collections are personal. You should collect what you are passionate about. The more passionate you are about what you collect, the longer the hobby will last.
I collect video games; I am incredibly passionate about them. I went to a retro game store and got all giddy holding an SNES cartridge. The fact I got so happy by merely holding a standard cartridge is a good sign that collecting is a good idea for me. The collection ideas to pick from are endless: from books, to movies, to CDs; or you can even collect a standard genre in these categories.
A collection should never follow standard rules in the grand scheme of things, though. It's your collection, therefore you get to make the rules. Once you pick a topic and start, the costs might be daunting. You should look at prices for the things you are interested in and see if they will go up or down. With video games, they can get expensive, so I have a good idea of retro game costs from this. Ultimately, you should not get something because of how expensive or rare it is. You should get the item based on how much you want them. This makes the collection feel more personalized and you will love it a lot more.
Once you collect a lot, you may need to figure out ways to store it. For my games, I stacked them all on cheap bookshelves. They may not look the best, but they are good for starting out. You should get creative on your storing. If you want to hang things on a wall, do that. There are lots of ways to make your collection unique by how you design the storage for it. If you get stuck, I recommend seeing what other collectors are doing. This is how I got the idea to store my GBA (Game Boy Advance) games in DS boxes and print out the box art to label each type of game.
The more you collect, the more your collection will mean to you. Sometimes, I look at the games I placed away and just get excited from simply looking at them. The experience has been positive for me, so I recommend building a collection of something you care about.