5 Ways to Stay Fit During the COVID-19 Quarantine

Going outside for a walk

As long as you are at a safe distance from those around you, it is safe to go for walks. You can bring a sibling or a furry friend, but go get some Vitamin D and your heart rate up. Taking a walk outside will keep you moving and will give you a change of scenery. Just remember to wash your hands once you go back home!

Image by Sasin Tipchai from Pixabay

Try some yoga poses out with your family

Happy baby, downward dog or cobra pose…you name it! Yoga is for everyone. It can engage your core muscles and help you stretch your body. Try to relax in child’s pose on your knees and stretch your spine amidst the coronavirus panic or test your balance with tree pose. You can even challenge some of your family members to the yoga challenge, where you recreate partner yoga poses for a little family fun.

Image by Irina L from Pixabay

Dance around

You don’t have to be a ballerina or a ballroom dancer or a tap dancer to dance! Turn on some of your favorite tunes and have fun. Make up some dance moves or look up some fun Tik Tok dances or have a dance battle with your family. In no time, you’ll be moving those limbs all the while putting yourself in a happy mood.

Incorporate exercise into daily activities

Challenge yourself and your family to add little exercises into daily chores. Compete with your sibling to hold a squat while you microwave your favorite foods or do squats while you are watching TV commercials. Exercising doesn’t have to be a huge chore; you can just incorporate it into your daily tasks!

Image by Ryan McGuire from Pixabay

Stretch after sitting down or laying down 

After moving around, always make sure to stretch your limbs. This can be touching your toes for 30 seconds or practicing your splits. Stretch your back out after sitting at your computer doing online school or reach your arms up to increase your shoulder and back flexibility in between checking your Instagram. Make sure to always keep your blood flowing!


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