Our Peak Week

The middle of second semester, no matter who you are, is always the most stressful! Classes suddenly start speeding up and the workload dramatically increases but, luckily for us, this time of year hosts a very special event for all Regents, Spirit Week! Spirit Week is arguably the best part of ND; all classes are coming together and the campus is emitting a vast amount of cheerfulness. 

This year’s spirit week themes were “Oh the Places You’ll Go!” for seniors, “80s Arcade” for juniors, “The Lorax” for sophomores, and “Jumanji” for the freshman. These themes were made possible by the amount of work put in by the classes during the weekly spirit meetings as well as the build days. Percentage-wise, the juniors ended up winning with the highest participants from their class with a whopping 62%! While the deck is one competition, there were many games during the rallies where the classes battled it out.

The games were very creative and required lots of speed and agility. One really fun game was the “Human Piñata” where students were in teams of two split up by class. One player from each team had to run behind the second player from other teams and grab their team’s assigned candy. The team that ends up getting the most candy wins… which ended up being the sophomores! Celebrating our success is very important but it is equally important to give back to our community.

Going with Notre Dame tradition, we continued Sister Project this year! Sister Project is a feminine hygiene product drive where everything collected gets donated to Sacred Heart. This year’s drive was the biggest one yet and freshman ended up winning the challenge by bringing 45% of the products collected!

Spirit Week this year was definitely an amazing time that we all spent stress-free. As a school, we were able to spend time together and really were able to build our sisterhood. I can 100% guarantee that each one of us is definitely looking forward to next year’s spirit week!


The Magic Behind Spirit Week Madness: School Council Highlight


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