How to be More Confident
There are instances where one loses sight of who they are and does not feel confident in the way they perceive themselves. As low self-esteem grows in an individual, their view of the world and of themselves grows to be pessimistic which leads them into an unhealthy spiral of suppressed thoughts and emotions. Although this feeling may swallow every piece of hope out of them and lead them to feel like you are not enough, there is a manifold of actions that they can take towards building your self-confidence and feeling worthy enough to regain hope and optimism. They can begin to reflect on what they find to be their redeeming qualities. Whether that be taking time aside to create mental notes, keeping a journal, confiding in a friend, building a list, etc, finding personal happiness is possible. The act of recognizing these traits about themselves prompts them to think of themselves in a positive manner. Just providing themselves these self-affirmations for the little things they do will bring up the way they view themselves. Not only should they recognize their own strengths, but also identify negative thinking patterns. Keeping track of cognitive distortions, assist them in taking a step back and becoming aware of the ways in which your thoughts get the best of them. Confronting these inner obstacles leads to a deeper understanding of themselves and rational perceptions. Sometimes one may overestimate how certain situations will make them feel and the fear of the situations scare them out of doing things they may have enjoyed or loved doing. Although it is a hard step to take, doing things that are out of their comfort zone will provide experiences and feelings they didn’t know they were capable of. Approaching life with an open-mind will only help them grow as an individual. These are only a few of the various ways one can build upon their self-confidence. As one grows and exposes themself to more, they will find comfort in their authentic self and thoughts, as a result of breaking out of self-created restrictions.